Land Rover Repair

Oops !

Damage to driver side rear corner.

Most difficult part of the repair - back of truck cab was out of alignment. Ebay replacement  Ebay

Rear “tub” floor. Not damaged but rather worn, so new one fitted

Rear tub with new floor but no wings.

Replacemnt wing via Ebay, bit of filling required.

Cab roof - bit of panel beating required on one corner, but had to be removed from frame first. .

Probably not best to put the full facts in print, but let’s just say that one Saturday in October a couple of years ago, while popping down to Clun to top up with petrol for the winter, I managed to put the Landy on it’s side after braking sharply to avoid a tractor coming the other way - the Landy pulled to the left as I braked, front left hand wheel went up the brass bank and…oops.  Managed to right it with the help of locals and get it trailered home. Damage was fairly superficial, but decided that while repairing it I may as well do some major cosmetic improvements.

Damage to front wing

Decided on new complete footwell sections on both sides.

New door pillar.

Splashed out and had all the old galvanmised metalwork regalvanisee - bit shiny!

Virtually finished article

Originally spot welded, Darren doing alternative .

Almost as good as new..

Pillar and footwell place using special clips

Damage to door pillar worse than expected due to age. Decided to replace pillar and floor pan on both sides.

Bit of fibre glass infill

Rivettting roof back onto frame. One rivet down, hundred more to go. .